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A post for our Italian penfriends: Carnival week at our school!

Dear penfriends,

We haven’t contacted you since our video call. So this post is for you. 

Last week was a bit different. It was Carnival!!

Every day of the week before Carnival we came to school with a different thing. During 5 days, from Monday to Friday, we followed the carnival rules we chose in class.

On Monday we wore a special hair style. On Tuesday we wore an accessory about what we want to be when we grow up. On Wednesday we wore our pyjamas (some people also brought their stuffed animals and slippers). On Thursday we wore elegant clothes. And on Friday we wore a full costume. Every class chose a different topic for the costumes. Class 6A chose villains and class 6B chose sports. 

It was a lot of fun to see everybody wearing different clothes, accessories and costumes. And on Friday afternoon we had no class and had a party. 

But we think you are very lucky because our teacher said you had holidays!!!

Here are some photos! We hope to receive letters from you soon!!!

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