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9 a 13h i de 15 a 17h

Dos de Maig, 249

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Amazon is a company that works sending you objects or something that you want.
It functions like this: You need to install the app if you do it in your mobile or tablet and you can search it on google if you do it with a computer or a tabletop. 
When you are in the app you can find in the search engine the things that you want. 
It’s so useful to buy things because you only need to go to your mailbox.
Amazon has also got another app called AMAZON PRIME and it’s simillar to Netflix because you can also see TV series or films.
And finally in Amazon you can buy electronic books and Kindle.
It was created in 1994 in Seattle, Washington in the USA, and the person that created it is called Jeff Bezos .

Mariona and Èric 6è A

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